Infographic: Cancer - Improve Quality, Reduce Costs

Explores how cancer is driving health care costs and what employers can do to provide the best care and mitigate costs.


January 04, 2023

This survey explores the employers’ views on health and well-being, health care delivery reform, prescription drugs and health care costs.

Looking for the latest data?

Check out our 2024 Large Employer Health Care Strategy Survey, released in August 2023.

The 2023 Large Employers’ Health Care Strategy and Plan Design Survey found that among the 135 large employers participating in the survey, cancer has risen to the top of the list of cost drivers of health care costs. This change is partially due to an increase in late-stage cancers as a result of pandemic-driven delays in medical care.

You can view the infographic by clicking the download button below.

Infographic: Cancer - Improve Quality, Reduce Costs

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