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The Executive Committee on Value Purchasing, a multi-stakeholder group of executive leaders representing employers, health plans and providers, was formed to accelerate the adoption of effective innovations in health care delivery. The committee focuses on aligning market expectations to the capabilities and expectations of performance for several value purchasing strategies, such as accountable care organizations, high-performance networks, Centers of Excellence and other payment and delivery reforms. Large employers are leaders in health care system payment and delivery reforms, but successful transformation is only possible with collaboration across multiple players in health care.
The committee continues to support local market innovations as large, multi-state employers increasingly look to individual geographies to accelerate transformation of the health care delivery system.
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Executive Committee on Value Purchasing
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How To Get Involved
Executive Committee on Value Purchasing
Membership is limited so please use our contact us form to learn more about available opportunities.
Scope of Work
Executive Committee on Value Purchasing
The Executive Committee on Value Purchasing brings together large employers, health care providers, health plans and additional industry experts three times a year to collaborate on strategy for accelerating the adoption of effective value purchasing arrangements. These meetings in Washington, DC, shape the Business Group’s organizational agenda regarding value purchasing, bringing the committee’s work to over 400 member companies. The committee also guides the creation of Business Group publications related to value purchasing, such as the large employer’s ACO Guide, including an ACO Journey Map and ACO Scoring Guide. These resources align market expectations for ACO capabilities at various stages of development and maturity and help employers determine when and how to make ACOs a part of their strategy. Many large employers have used the ACO Guide and Journey Map to steer their ACO strategy across several markets.
Benefits of committee participation include:
- Three in-person meetings per year (remote participation available), each with a networking reception;
- Opportunities to support and contribute to Business Group content, including spotlights highlighting committee member company leadership in large Business Group conferences; and
- Access to the Business Group’s Executive Committee on Value Purchasing staff.