The Family Benefits Bundle: Full Guide

This section shares best practices and opportunities in employer-sponsored birth parent/maternity benefits and benefits for fertility, adoption and foster care.


November 11, 2022

Employers can play a key role in retaining and supporting the well-being of employees with parenting and caregiving responsibilities, and bringing those who left the workforce back, by offering needed, inclusive benefits that support the diverse experiences of employees and their families.

Globally, the pandemic drove working parents and caregivers out of the workforce. This burden fell disproportionately on women, and moreover, BIPOC women experienced larger unemployment declines than White women. In the U.S., when many schools started virtually in 2020, 80% of the 1.1 million people who exited the workforce were women. Overall, women lost nearly 2 million net jobs and men lost nearly 1.6 million since the start of the pandemic.

The Family Benefits Bundle: Full Guide

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  1. Birth Parent/Maternity Benefits: Preconception to Postpartum Care
  2. Fertility, Adoption and Foster Care Benefits