Impact & Influence: Chart Pack

The Chart Pack brings together data from both the consumer survey and employee survey, which identifies gaps and opportunities that employers can use to improve communications today and beyond.


November 18, 2021

Examines the impact of health and well-being communication through the eyes of the employee, coupled the experiences and practices of employers.

Business Group on Health partnered with ROC Group and Kantar to conduct the study entitled, The Impact & Influence: 2021 Study of Health and Well-being Communication. The study examines the impact of employer communication through the eyes of the employee. Coupled with these insights are the experiences and practices of employers – which reveal a set of gaps and opportunities that employers can use to improve communications today and beyond.

The Chart Pack includes data from both the employee and employer surveys to allow members of the Business Group to dive deeper into the findings.

Impact & Influence: Chart Pack

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