Creating Worldwide Solutions, Virtual Teams, Time Zones and Traveling

Accelerated globalization—the interdependence among economies and people of different nations and cultures has changed the way that organizations do business. More and more individuals now serve in international roles and work in virtual teams, where team members may be sitting in different countries and may never meet face-to-face.


February 01, 2016

Accelerated globalization—the interdependence among economies and people of different nations and cultures has changed the way that organizations do business. More and more individuals now serve in international roles and work in virtual teams, where team members may be sitting in different countries and may never meet face-to-face. Furthermore, the need to work across time zones means that “business hours” are no longer typically from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Being aware of the stressors in this new environment and how employers can reduce them are important first steps in helping employees be their most productive selves.

Virtual Teams, Time Zones and Traveling: Coping with Global Demands in a Fast-Paced World

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