Driving Toward Inclusive and Equitable Health Care

Employers are devising comprehensive and inclusive care strategies to meet the diverse needs of a global workforce while maintaining a focus on other key priorities, such as overall health improvement and cost reduction.


May 21, 2024

Employers are increasingly focused on efforts to ensure a greater level of equity in their health benefits program. Given that the greatest opportunities for health improvement often are from the most vulnerable parts of the workforce, driving equity and inclusivity in health benefits is integral for cultivating a healthy workforce At this year’s annual conference, leaders outlined innovative approaches to devising comprehensive and inclusive care strategies to meet the diverse needs of a global workforce while maintaining a focus on other key priorities, such as overall health improvement and cost reduction. Read on for actionable ideas.

How Employers are Increasing Inclusion and Equity in Health Care

  • Expanding equitable benefits: Employers are broadening the scope of equitable benefits to address a variety of employee needs, from mental health to women’s health, through a deep understanding of diverse workforce requirements, both within a country and across borders. Leading employers are also mindful that they must design for a multigenerational workforce, as each age cohort may require different resources. In addition, employers are exploring strategies such as captive insurance to create a more consistent and equitable approach from country to country.
  • Incorporating social determinants of health (SDOH) into benefits programming: To address SDOH, employers are using data to paint a comprehensive picture of member needs, which influences how they message and promote communication campaigns. Combining SDOH data with claims data can also provide insights that enable employers to enhance or change benefit offerings.
  • Adopting an inclusive care model: Employers are embracing inclusive care models that prioritize accessibility and combat stigma. Leading employers are actively seeking feedback on workplace experiences and health benefits to inform their strategic decisions. Leveraging employee resource groups (ERGs) and outside experts has helped employers identify employee needs and opportunities in their benefits portfolio.

Strategies Employers Can Use to Build Inclusive and Equitable Health Care

  • Leverage data to identify opportunities: Use data analytics to fine-tune interventions, ensuring that these initiatives target those in need of the program or resource. Focusing interventions on the appropriate population can help meet the unique needs of a diverse workforce.
  • Lean on existing partners while exploring new ones: Ask potential vendor partners how they can assist in improving equity and select those with a history of tangible improvements to employees’ well-being across demographics. At the same time, pursue new strategies with partners specifically focused on inclusivity and equity, especially across locations.
  • Create programs that support everyone: Consider developing programs to support neurodiverse employees and look for vendor partners who can also support these individuals in their health care experience.

Relevant Resources

2025 AC Save the date

2024 Annual Conference Insights: Driving Toward Inclusive and Equitable Health Care

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