Leave Strategy and Transformation Survey: Policy and Coordination with Leave Laws

70% of employers are in favor of a federal paid leave law that would supersede state and local laws and create a uniform process for reporting and compliance.


January 31, 2020

This report identifies leading practices, shared priorities and challenges, and insights on how leave programs will transform in the coming years.

Key Takeaways

  • More employers selected state and local leave laws as their greatest challenge in absence management, compared to employee experience, lack of resources and business continuity.
  • 70% of employers are in favor of a federal paid leave law that would supersede state and local laws and create a uniform process for reporting and compliance.
  • A small percent (6%) of employers require their contractors to provide paid leave to employees sub-contracting for their company.

State and local paid leave laws have required many employers to re-examine the design and administration of their leave benefits to ensure compliance. These policies can create disparities across a national company’s workforce and may impair the employee leave experience. In fact, when asked about their top challenges related to leave and absence management, 77% of large employers selected paid leave laws, making it the most common challenge among all employers participating in the survey.

Leave Strategy and Transformation Survey: Policy and Coordination with Leave Laws

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