April 30, 2020
Mental health is a critical issue around the world. It is especially relevant to global employers because of its impact on productivity, well-being and the bottom line. Consider the following numbers:
The estimated percentage of the global population who experienced a mental health disorder in 2017,1 although accurate data in many countries is difficult to obtain due to stigma and poorly defined and understood measurement techniques.
$1 trillion
The estimated cost of depression and anxiety to the global economy (in USD).4
1 in 4
The estimated prevalence of mental health disorders among the adult population in the U.S. and the U.K.2,3
Percentage of the total global burden of disease attributed to untreated mental disorders.5
91 million
Workdays lost annually in the U.K. due to mental health disorders.5
According to a World Health Organization-led study, the estimated return on investment for every $1 put into scaled up treatment for common mental health disorders.4
While there have been substantial efforts made by some countries and organizations to improve the mental health of populations and employees, a significant amount of work remains, and the response has not yet been proportional to the significant need.

Addressing Mental Health from a Global and Local Perspective: Introduction and Full Guide
Introduction & Full GuideAddressing Mental Health From a Global and Local Perspective
Part 1Think Global: Strategies that Multinational Employers Use Worldwide
Part 2Act Local: How Access, Stigma and Coverage Vary in Key Markets and Their Impact on Employer Offerings
Part 3Addressing Mental Health in China
Part 4Addressing Mental Health in France
Part 5Addressing Mental Health in India
Part 6Addressing Mental Health in Italy
Part 7Addressing Mental Health in Japan
Part 8Addressing Mental Health in Mexico
Part 9Addressing Mental Health in South Africa
Part 10Addressing Mental Health in Spain
Part 11Addressing Mental Health in United Kingdom
Part 12Addressing Mental Health in United Arab Emirates
Part 13Mental Health Guide: Example Employer Tools and Resources
More Topics

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